The solution to uncontrolled mass immigration and the problems it has and is causing is simple.
But it needs two things to take place before we can implement the only plan that will work.
First, the majority have to agree there is a problem, just like alcoholics at an AA meeting, and second to be brave enough to take this out of control bull by the horns and be prepared to be nuted a few times.
Lets say we agree and our balls are big enough to truly take on this problem, how do we fix it once and for all?
Part one of the fix is to stop all immigration, legal and illegal, immediately.
Imprisoning any illegal entries and returning them from their last point of exit to the UK.
A 5 year ban on all immigration is to be put in place giving our country the breathing space it will need to train up staff and put into action a robust immigration policy that keeps out the chaff and welcomes the cream of people wanting to work and live here.
There is no other way to fix the problem.
There will be an exodus of people from the UK and I for one would happily see them go.
Why? well if they are not part of he solution then they are part of the problem and prove with their leaving that they are only here for one thing, themselves and not the betterment of the UK.
There will also be tit for tat retaliations from other countries but unless we do something radical and robust, the murders, rapes and riots will not end.