In the UK and EU the so called “far right” are making big steps into the Left / Liberal politisphere that has taken grip here in the last 30 years or so.
My simple question to anyone labelling a party “Far Right” is what “Right party” are you comparing all the “Far Right” parties against?
I ask as I can not name one…..
All I see in the current EU and UK political game, are all the teams running at best a Social Democratic squad or at worst hard left, bordering on communism, agendas, regardless of the rosette warn (red or blue).
Like the now harmless slur of “Racist” or “Racism”, so over used it is now has no value, the term “Far Right” is pointless where no comparison, other than what is in the fertile imaginations of the Hard Left, who tend to screech this when ever their world view is questioned or threatened.
In the adult world of true argument, you resort to calling people names in the hope they will shut up or be silenced, which means you loose whatever argument you had in the first place.
So in the playground that is modern politics, it is time to grow up and stop with the name calling.
Become adults.