Electric Vehicles – Unfinished Business

electric vehicles

Although if left to our own devices, we would eventually jump onboard of a world transported electrically, there are many bumps in the road to iron out and deadlines are not the answer.

January 1st 2024 saw the rollout of penalties for vehicle manufactures who do not sell a percentage of their stock as fully electric vehicles.

Governments around the world are ramping up the enforced electrification of the transport networks, using tax payer money to do it.

If EV’s are so good then why the need of legal punishment for servicing a market that right now is not overly interested in EV’s in their current state ?

Will governments be able to secure at least 125% of the complete needs of electric to service the current needs and the new demand EV’s will add to the network?

100% charge times of 1 hour every 150 to 200 miles means a journey from sat London to Glasgow will take about 2 to 3 hours longer than it does now.

If the supply of electric is manage by 3 or 4 global players then how will we get competitive prices for our soon to be 100% dependent needs ?

“Pay per mile” will have to be introduced for government’s to recoup the tax take they will loose when fossil fuels are phased out. What will stop them penalizing to many trips out or setting a mileage limit with penalties if you exceed you quota ?

If we go 100% electric in all things, including transport, then without any competition from petrol, diesel and gas, we will be walking into a controlled nightmare of their making. It will not be good.

I lob these conversation grenades out into the market of speech in the hope that we all take a step back, slow down this manic path we have been forced to run down.

If 100% EV is the future then lets get it right for all first time even if it misses any fantasy targets set by unelected bodies who seem to manage the people with voted in to managed our countires.

Even if it takes another 50 years or so we will arrive in the place that will be our future willfully and without need of pressure, enforcement and fines.

It is time to be adults in the room and stop the petulant children running the show ruining everything with “good intensions”

DC x

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